What is the Right of Pre-emption in Turkish Law?
PRE-EMPTION LAWSUIT - RIGHT OF PRE-EMPTION The right of pre-emption can only be exercised through a pre-emption lawsuit. As a rule,
What is a Judicial Control Order in Turkey?
WHAT IS A JUDICIAL CONTROL ORDER? A judicial control order is defined in Article 109 of the Criminal Procedure Code as
What is Child Support in Turkish Law and What Are Its Conditions?
CHILD SUPPORT (PARTICIPATION ALIMONY) Child support, also known as participation alimony, is the contribution made by the parent who does not
Age Correction Lawsuit in Turkish Law
AGE CORRECTION LAWSUIT An age correction lawsuit is typically filed due to reasons such as marriage, retirement, and military service. This
The Expropriation Process and Procedures in Turkish Law
WHAT IS EXPROPRIATION? Expropriation is the process where the ownership of immovable properties owned by real and private legal persons is
Reduction Lawsuit and Reserved Portion in Inheritance under Turkish Law
REDUCTION LAWSUIT A reduction lawsuit is a type of lawsuit that can be filed by heirs who have a reserved portion
Lawsuit for Cancellation and Registration of Title Deed Based on Trust Agreement in Turkish Law
What is a Donation Agreement in Turkish Law?
DONATION AGREEMENT A donation agreement is one of the most frequently made agreements in daily life. It is a legal act
The Claim for Value Increase Share in Turkish Law
CLAIM FOR VALUE INCREASE SHARE The claim for value increase share is a right related to the liquidation of the regime
What are the Types of Marital Property Regimes in Turkish Law?
WHAT IS THE PROPERTY REGIME? The property regime, also known as the property regime contract, is a contract that regulates the
Equalization Lawsuit in Turkish Inheritance Law
WHAT IS BALANCING IN INHERITANCE? Balancing in inheritance refers to the inclusion of some gifts made by the deceased to their
Unfair Competition Lawsuits in Turkish Law
UNFAIR COMPETITION Unfair competition arises when the right to compete is not exercised within the boundaries of the legal order. In
Establishment of a Family Homestead in Turkish Law
FAMILY HOMESTEAD A family homestead is established with the condition that it is for the residence or operation of the individual
The Crime of Misuse of a Blank Signature in Turkish Law
THE CRIME OF MISUSE OF A BLANK SIGNATURE The misuse of a blank signature constitutes a crime. A blank signature is
Lawsuit for Sale Permission and Guardianship in Turkish Law
LAWSUIT FOR SALE PERMISSION AND GUARDIANSHIP The lawsuit for sale permission refers to the process of obtaining permission from the guardianship
Case for the Annulment of the Rejection of Inheritance in Turkish Law
CASE FOR THE ANNULMENT OF THE REJECTION OF INHERITANCE What is the Annulment of the Rejection of Inheritance? Upon the death
Establishment and Conditions of Condominium Ownership in Turkish Law
ESTABLISHMENT OF CONDOMINIUM The establishment of condominium ownership is very commonly applied in practical life. The Condominium Law No. 634 was
What is Concordatum and its Conditions in Turkish Law?
AN ALTERNATIVE TO BANKRUPTCY POSTPONEMENT: CONCORDATUM Concordatum is an agreement made between a debtor and creditors to restructure debts and payment
Restructuring Through Negotiation in Turkish Law
METHODS TO AVOID BANKRUPTCY: RESTRUCTURING THROUGH NEGOTIATION Financial distress is a challenging situation that businesses may encounter. To assist companies and
Mehr Claim in Divorce Cases under Turkish Law
MEHIR CLAIM LAWSUIT Before starting our article on mehr claims, it should be noted that mehr was regulated during the periods
The Lawsuit for Right of Way in Turkish Law
RIGHT OF WAY LAWSUIT Disputes over property ownership and access to public roads can lead to conflicts among property owners. To
What is a Family Residence Annotation and How is it Placed in Turkish Law?
FAMILY RESIDENCE ANNOTATION The family residence annotation provides significant benefits to the spouse who is not the owner of the property
The Crime of Withholding Child Visitation in Turkish Law
CRIME OF WITHHOLDING CHILD VISITATION The crime of abducting and detaining a child by the party who does not have custody
Jewelry Claim Case in Turkish Law
RETURN OF JEWELRY GIVEN AT THE WEDDING (JEWELRY CLAIM CASE) Holding a wedding ceremony is quite common in Turkish society. Although
Objection to Cadastral Determination and Lawsuit for Cancellation and Registration of Title Deed in Turkish Law
The Condition and Exceptions of Denial of Usufruct in Ecrimisil Cases in Turkish Law
THE DENIAL OF USUFRUCT IN ECRIMISIL CASES AND ITS EXCEPTIONS In the field of property law, various legal concepts and principles
Bad Faith Registration in Turkish Trademark Law
WHAT IS A BAD FAITH TRADEMARK REGISTRATION? The primary purpose of trademark protection is to create an exclusive privilege that grants
Committed Subscription Agreement in Turkish Law
COMMITTED SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT: UNDERSTANDING CONSUMER RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS A committed subscription agreement foresees that subscribers who consent to certain contractual terms
Protection of Personal Data in Turkish Labor Law
PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA AND LABOR LAW The principles and procedures related to the protection of personal data are regulated by
What is a Real Estate Lien in Turkish Law?
REAL ESTATE LIEN A real estate lien is a limited real right under Turkish Law. It is established to secure a