Appointment of a Representative for the Inheritance Partnership in Turkish Law
APPOINTMENT OF A REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE INHERITANCE PARTNERSHIP The appointment of a representative for the inheritance partnership, also known as the
Fraudulent Registration and Lawsuit for Correction of the Land Registry in Turkish Law
LEGAL ISSUES WITH FRAUDULENT REGISTRATION Essentially, fraudulent registration can arise in two ways: First, a land registry can be inherently fraudulent
Check Cancellation Lawsuit Due to Loss in Turkish Law
LOSS OF A CHECK AND CHECK CANCELLATION LAWSUIT Checks, which can also be subject to cancellation lawsuits, are a popular payment
Obtaining a Check Payment Ban Decision in Turkey
LOSS OF A CHECK AND CHECK PAYMENT BAN This article aims to explain how to obtain a precautionary decision for a
The Portfolio Management Company in Turkish Law
PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT COMPANY: INVESTMENT FUNDS AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT SERVICES Investing in financial markets can be a complex endeavor, and this is
Social Investigation Report in a Divorce Case under Turkish Law
SOCIAL INVESTIGATION REPORT The social investigation report, briefly known as (SIR) in practice, is an examination conducted by the family court
General Average in Turkish Maritime Law
GENERAL AVERAGE General average is a legal institution that has existed since Roman Law. The Turkish Commercial Code contains provisions regarding
Declaration of Absence in Turkish Law
WHAT IS A DECLARATION OF ABSENCE? A declaration of absence is the termination of a person's legal personality by court decision
What is the Statutory Rejection of Inheritance in Turkish Law?
DECLARATION OF INHERITANCE BY COURT DECISION: LEGAL FRAMEWORK AND APPLICATION The concept of "declaration of inheritance by court decision," which is
What is the Real Rejection of Inheritance in Turkish Law?
REAL REJECTION OF INHERITANCE The inheritance, which includes all the private law relationships of the deceased that are capable of being
The Crime of Causing Zoning Pollution in Turkey
Environmental pollution, which is one of today's major problems, negatively affects many living beings, especially human health and the balance
Collision, Salvage, and Assistance in Turkish Maritime Law
In maritime law, collision refers to the impact between ships. In the past, due to the lack of preventive technical
Removal of the Period of Delay Case in Turkey
REMOVAL OF THE PERIOD OF DELAY CASE In this article, we will examine the process and outcomes of the Removal of
State of Necessity in Turkish Criminal Law
Necessity in Criminal Law Necessity is a situation where a person who has no legal obligation to endure danger averts a
Enforcement Through Seizure Specific to Negotiable Instruments in Turkish Law
Enforcement Through Seizure Specific to Negotiable Instruments Debts arising from private law relationships may occur between individuals. If these debts are
What is Overseas Debt Repayment in Turkish Law?
OVERSEAS DEBT REPAYMENT Turkish citizens and those who have lost their Turkish citizenship, whether or not they work in countries with
The Execution of a Will in Turkish Law
What is the Execution of a Will? The execution of a will refers to the fulfillment of the obligations necessary for
Determination of Place of Payment in Turkish Law
Assignment of Place of Payment What is the Place of Payment? The term "Place of Payment" is used to determine the location
Unjust Enforcement in Turkish Law
Unjust Enforcement: What Is It and How Does It Arise? ''Unjust attachment'', also known as ''unjust enforcement'', refers to the initiation
How to Delete a Criminal Record in Turkish Law?
"Criminal Record and Deletion Process: Detailed Guide and Important Information" What is a Criminal Record? The ''Criminal Record'', known as a "Sabıka
What is Vehicle Depreciation in Turkish Law? How is it Compensated?
What is Vehicle Depreciation? Briefly known as ''depreciation'' or ''vehicle depreciation'', it refers to the determination of the financial loss in
How to Waive Inheritance Under Turkish Law?
Waiver of Inheritance: What is an Inheritance Waiver Agreement? An "Inheritance Waiver Agreement," also known as a "Waiver of Inheritance," is
How is Evidence Preservation Conducted in Turkish Law?
What is Evidence Preservation? Also known as an ''Evidence Preservation Case'', ''Evidence Preservation'' is the process of immediately examining and recording
How is an Inheritance Share Transferred in Turkish Law?
Transfer of Inheritance Shares Also known as "Transfer of Inheritance Share," the "Transfer of Inheritance Shares" means that the heir transfers
Unlawful and Encroaching Structure Lawsuits in Turkish Law
Unlawful and Encroaching Structures Concepts of Unlawful and Encroaching Structures Also known as "Unlawful Construction," "Unlawful Structure" refers to an immovable structure
Precautionary Attachment in Turkish Law
What is Precautionary Attachment? ''Precautionary attachment'' is the process of temporarily seizing the debtor's assets by court order before the definitive
Death Establishment Lawsuit in Turkish Law
What is a Death Certificate? A death certificate is an official document that records the fact of a person's death, including
Supreme Court Decisions on the Deposit Place for Rent Payment in Turkish Law
Supreme Court Decision on the Deposit Place for Rent Payment The Supreme Court decision on the deposit place for rent payment
Stay of Execution Decision in Administrative Judiciary in Turkish Law
When an administrative lawsuit is filed, the execution of the contested administrative act does not automatically stop. However, when it
The Establishment of a Personal Relationship with the Child in Turkish Law
What is Establishing a Personal Relationship with the Child? Establishing a personal relationship with the child is a right aimed at